Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Release 2010-12-13: Hoshin/Scorecard Integration

In the works for months, this is a major release with a number of important enhancements.

Tactic Improvements

  • Improved visual management of tactics, process improvements, and corrective actions.  Months are now color coded based on progress.  Question-marks, dashes, and colorful symbols show the current status or indicate overdue reviews.
  • Tactics can now be shared between strategies in Hoshin plans and processes in scorecards.
  • Tactic Assigned and Review Overdue messages now apply to process improvements and corrective actions as well as tactics.
  • Monthly reviews for tactics.  All your previous data is saved and can be reviewed monthly.
  • The Edit Tactic screen has been completely redesigned to require fewer keystrokes to enter or edit tactics.  Related tactics can be added with a single click.
  • The Tactic Complete logic mirrors the Strategy Complete logic, but does not require manager approval.
  • Tactics (including process improvements and corrective actions) are now visible until they are complete.

Other Improvements

  • Objectives and strategies can now be linked to your entities and functions in Scorecard.  This allows you to jump between your related plans and scorecards with a single click.
  • You can still add text "tags" to objectives and strategies, then filter by those tags on the Plan Status screen.
  • Users of Hoshin and Scorecard can set a lowest-level strategy to improve a process, allowing you to share tactics and metrics with that process by picking them from a list.  This eliminates time and effort when developing and reviewing plans.
  • The Process Review screen functions like a dynamic A3 chart, showing all process improvement tactics and metric corrective action tactics together, even if some of those tactics were originally entered in Hoshin and others in Scorecard.  The new display includes color-colored months, showing the progress of process improvement and corrective action tactics over time.
  • Similarly, the Implementation Review screen has been improved to color-code each month of tactic progress.
  • Hoshin-only users can now see the Entity and Function screens (minus any targets or actuals).
  • The Responsibilities screens for Hoshin and Scorecard have been combined.
  • A new Show Me feature adds a collection of short e-learning modules for features of the Hoshin and Scorecard applications.
  • The left-hand navigation pages for Hoshin and Scorecard have been combined.  Only the bottom section that shows your plans or scorecards now changes with respect to which product you are viewing.  The link to switch between views is now at the top of that section.
  • Mail is addressed differently to make it more likely for the Application Manager to receive returned mail or any replies to application-generated mail.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Release 2010-04-30: Strategy End-Status Approval

Ending a strategy eliminates the need to review it in subsequent quarters. There are three ways to end a strategy; it can be Completed, Canceled, or put On Hold. Choosing one of these statuses from the Review Status screen may end the strategy immediately, or starting with this release, it may require approval from the owner of the objective above your strategy in the plan similar to the way Creation Statuses are approved, depending on how your company is configured.

This release also adds new Activity radio buttons to the Review Status screen for selecting whether the strategy is Active, Completed, On Hold, or Canceled. This new control will put the right status in the Concern for Future drop-down for you.

  • Active: This strategy is currently being pursued.

  • Complete: Marking a strategy complete signifies that all actions have been completed and all improvements are sustainable.  This success-status will show up for all future review periods and will not require additional reviews, but it is prudent to check on the metrics for this strategy from time to time to ensure that the progress is maintained.

  • On Hold: The strategy is not currently being pursued, but is likely to be pursued again some time in the future.  The hold-status will show up for all future review periods and will not require additional reviews.

  • Canceled: The strategy is no longer being pursued.  The canceled status will show up for all future review periods and will not require additional reviews.

There are three levels of End-Status Approval configuration. Ask your support contact to configure this for your company:

  • None: No approvals are required. This is the default, what all users have now.

  • Completed Only: Approvals are only required for the completed status.  This status is configurable individually because you may wish to continue to monitor a completed strategy to be sure the improvement is sustainable.

  • All: Completed, On Hold, and Canceled statuses all require approval.

If you are reviewing a top-level objective, or you own the objective above your strategy in a plan (thus making you the approver) it will never require approval.

When marking a strategy Completed you will have an easier time getting it approved if you enter the reason you believe that the improvements you achieved are sustainable, since that is how the reviewer will evaluate your request for completion.  Reviewers may ask owners to monitor and review a strategy for another few months before allowing them to mark it Completed.  When a strategy is put On Hold or Canceled, it is usually much more cut-and-dry and the approval process (if enabled) can be as much about notifying the boss of the change as is it is about getting approval.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Strategy Complete

Creation Statuses Renamed

The labels that identify the specific strategy creation stage have been changed to be more descriptive:

  • Awaiting Approval (formerly called, "Complete") - The owner of this objective has added metrics and strategies (or tactics) and indicated that it is ready to be approved, but has not received management approval yet.

  • Being Defined (formerly called, "In Process") - Metrics and strategies (or tactics) have been added to this objective, but the owner has not yet sent it for approval.

  • Missing Metrics and/or Strategies/Tactics (formerly called, "Not Started") - This identifies an objective or strategy that does not contain at least one metric and one child strategy or tactic.

You may also filter by any of the above labels on the Plan Status screen.

Final Strategy Statuses

Another enhancement to PlanBase Hoshin enables owners of specific strategies and tactics to mark certain strategies as completed, thus bypassing review-overdue reminders. The Concern for the Future field reflects the owner's expectations about a strategy over the next period. Now it can also show if a strategy has been completed, canceled, or put on hold:

  • Complete: Marking a strategy complete signifies that all actions have been completed and all improvements are sustainable. This success-status will show up for all future review periods and will not require additional reviews, but it is prudent to check on the metrics for this strategy from time to time to ensure that the progress is maintained.

  • On Hold: The strategy is not currently being pursued, but is likely to be pursued again some time in the future. The hold-status will show up for all future review periods and will not require additional reviews.

  • Canceled: The strategy is no longer being pursued. The canceled status will show up for all future review periods and will not require additional reviews.

Statuses show up for the review period they are entered for (quarter or month) except for the Completed, On Hold, and Canceled statuses which are "sticky" and show up for all future time periods. You can overwrite a sticky status at any time in the future and doing so will return the strategy to its normal one-status-per-review-period mode.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Customize Your PlanBase System

We have had many requests to customize PlanBase to allow for easier adoption of the system by more employees. Customization includes adding your company logo or changing specific labels to match your internal terminology. In PlanBase Scorecard, you may now customize the labels, "Business Unit", "Function", and several of the labels on the Financial Review screen. We even let you change the name of PlanBase Hoshin to whatever you want (Strategy Deployment, Goal Achievement, Quality Function Deployment, etc.)

Monday, January 11, 2010

QTD/YTD Views and Financial Review Screen


The Heat Map, BU, Function, and Metric Contributors screens have a new "Time Frame" tab that switches the view from Monthly (the current view which will still be the default) to QTD (Quarter-To-Date) or YTD (Year-To-Date).

Your administrator may want to revisit which metric types are declared Cumulative because that setting now affects many more screens. Checking the Cumulative box on a metric type tells the system to calculate QTD (for monthly metrics) and YTD values by adding up the values in that quarter or year. If the Cumulative box is not checked, the end-of-period value will be shown instead.

Use Cumulative for metric types like Gross Sales, Units Produced, and Number of Defects are generally cumulative (the quarterly number is the sum of the three monthly numbers). Do not use Cumulative for Call Rate, Customer Satisfaction, and Sales Growth over Prior Year because these numbers cannot be meaningfully added together and the end-of-period number (last month of the quarter, or last quarter of the year) tends to be the most relevant.

Financial Review

The new Financial Review screen shows shows how financial forecasts changed over time, shows future forecasts, and lets you update the latest forecast for all financial metrics in a business unit. Only users with financial permission can access this screen. It shows 15 months of data, similar to the other screens, but instead of showing the months prior to and including the current review month, it shows the months for the prior quarter, the current quarter, and the three upcoming quarters. Access this screen from the button at the top of the Business Unit screen.

The layout of this screen is similar to the BU view, except extra data is shown for each metric.

Any metric marked financial will not display current or future data on any screen except the Financial Review screen. This is for security so that only people with Financial privilege can view the forecasted values. Everyone will still be able to see the historical (ROFO) targets and actuals.

Full details of this feature can be found in the on-line help.