Clone Strategy
Release 2012-02-26
Hoshin Improvements
- Cloning Strategies:
- Clone (Copy) any strategy by clicking the little blue clone link next to that strategy on the Plan screen. The duplicate will include supporting strategies, tactics, and associated ad hoc metrics, but not owners or review information.
- Cloning uses one strategy as a template for creating others. A strategy that represents a pre-defined approach or methodology may be an especially good candidate for cloning.
- A cloned strategy does not retain any ties to the original strategy you used as a template; changing a clone does not change the original and vice-versa. You can even move a cloned strategy to a different plan!
- Missing Owners:
- When building a plan, you no longer have to specify an owner of an objective/strategy/tactic. Leaving the owner blank is a handy way to suppress the "You have been assigned a strategy" message while you are sketching out an idea for a plan.
- Objectives/strategies/tactics that are missing owners will show up with a gray background so that they are easy to differentiate from active parts of a plan.
- Objectives/Strategies cannot move past a red creation status without an owner. Tactics now have a red creation status if they are missing an owner.
- On the first and 15th of every month, the system will remind you to clean up any strategies and tactics you may have without owners.
- A new "Missing Owner" creation status shows up on the Plan Status screen and the Plan CSV download.
General Improvements
- When adding a new user, you can now un-check the Send Email box if you have a more secure way of delivering temporary passwords, or if you wish to perform other setup on a user before giving them access to the system.
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